This week's honorary Hose Monster: No One
Under a week to go at the job before I go underground. It's a very strange feeling. I'm beginning to feel very sad, but certainly not because I will miss the work or anything. Probably more so because my colleagues have given me more to do socially in the last four months than I have known what to do with, and I'll miss it and them. That and all the beautiful ladies who give me the great privilege of allowing me to call them "co-workers."
With a little bit of good fortune, I will land my 100th recorded hit to the Hose Monster Blog sometime in the next few hours. I know 100 hits is piddly, but it's 100 more than I had when I didn't have any way of dealing with the most random of my thoughts. I don't know if it's five of you reading my site 5 times a day or what, but regardless of who's responsible for these numbers, you're super and I appreciate your silent or commented support.
Send friends or co-workers anonymous tips. I told my sister today that she has commendable gas control. Take a moment and tell someone they have commendable crotch hygiene or poor dormitory fire safety. You can even send me a tip at goosefood at yahoo dot com and I will laugh and try to correct my evil ways, unless you tell me that I have an obvious toupee, in which case I might have to throw myself screaming from a building.
A preview for tomorrow: a big vote for who looks good in tighty whities begins at 9 a.m. tomorrow. I will take you to it. I expect you to place a vote for your favorite.