This week's honorary Hose Monster: No One
Hey blog.
'Evening Hose Monster. Or should I say morning? It's rather late on a Monday for you to be blogging, no?
I suppose so.
I'm not ready for bed yet. I have this very pleasant feeling washing over me at the moment, and I want to give it enough time to keep causing that smile that I sometimes feel in my gut late at night at the end of a good day.
It seems you're doing okay then.
Life has settled into a routine. You know how after a major upheaval, the resumption of a routine can be very cathartic, even if it's not the greatest of routines?
Sort of like that feeling you get when you always know where you're supposed to be and what you're supposed to be doing? No time sitting around thinking "What do I do with myself?"
So how is the new routine?
It has its moments. Not enough sleep, too much work sometimes, petty things to take care of here and there. It's challenging and very rewarding at the same time. And I'm actually surprised that I have found as much time to kick around as I have. Comes at the expense of sleep, but at the moment, I am enjoying the sacrifice.
It's nice to hear about good things. Indulge me.
I've learned that I am pretty decent at darts. Not something that will get me sleeping with supermodels, but hey, you take 'em where you can get 'em. And between white softball pants, dirty dealers and mirthful laughter, I have a lot to smile at and ample material for ridicule. Then there's the fact that I am suddenly spending all this time with the hottest girl I currently know, and while she's got the hots for someone else, it's still a lot of fun. Makes me look good.
Softball pants?
Trust me, something better left alone. Focus on the other good things. Darts. $4.50 pitchers of beer. An apartment with central air and heating and a dishwasher. Simple things.
I'm glad to hear you're settled.
So is my mother. She worries a lot about me. It happens when you're the youngest child and a boy.
I know. My sister bitches about all the advantages I get as the youngest, and while I will never agree with her, I know it's true.
Blog, I never knew you had a sister. What's her name?
Not something I'm allowed to disclose at the moment. But I will tell you it's the blog your mother warned you about.
Anyway, let's save this conversation for another time. It's late.
But I still feel like smiling, not brushing my teeth and taking out my contacts.
I know, but remember how when you stay up late, you always complain the next morning about how tired you are? You should think about taking better care of yourself. Sleeping is important.
I guess.
You don't guess. You know.
You're right. I'll go to bed.
Thanks for looking out for me blog.
That's why I'm here. Sleep well.