
I will remember today as a banner day in the annals of Hose Monster history.

Not because, following my latest post about video games my very good pal sent me a NES emulator and I played Kung Fu all through my Civil Procedure class. Not because I turned in my appellate brief today, effectively finishing up with one class in this semester that seems to never want to end. Not because I will try to encourage someone to wack me as hard on the right shin tonight as some guy did at last week's broomball game in a effort to bring a little symmetry to my life.

Not even because today is my buddy's bithday, although that certainly accounts for the overall importance of the day.

No, today achieved status like few other days, because my Mad Little Ponies elected yours truly to their Hall of Fame.

I've never before received such a ringing endorsement before this. It warms the cockles of my heart to see such complimentary words enshrined on the side banner of a cute Sooner girl and her younger driving sidekick.

Yes, today is special. Hose Monster has joined the Mad Little Pony Hall of Fame.

(Today is also special because I used the words "annals" and "cockles" in the same post. Tee hee.)